Recently, the following question arose during the workshop 'Copywriting for Non-Copywriters' for a Growth Marketing team:
"Can't we ask ChatGPT to write our copy?"
A very good remark, because ChatGPT can certainly elevate your copywriting to a higher level, especially if you are not a professional copywriter.
But... It is important to use it in the right phase of your process.
A process?
Indeed, copywriting is more than just filling in templates; it is a process.
Here's how it works:
You need to know what you are going to write.
You need to write persuasively so that people take action.
Let's make it concrete:
1. Knowing what to write:
Two major problems we often encounter:
We often write from a business perspective.
We KNOW that we should write more from the reader's point of view, but we don't know HOW.
That's why the first crucial step is to conduct qualitative research.
In this step, you look for three things:
Boosters: What motivates someone to take action?
Barriers: What is holding someone back?
Information needs: What questions need to be answered before someone takes action?
Once you have this information, you can use it in your texts. And you will feel it's a gold mine of input!
Suddenly, you know which messages resonate with your audience.
2. Knowing how to write persuasively:
You want your emails, SMS, landing pages, and other content to lead to a specific conversion. The purchase of a product, service, signing up for a newsletter, clicking through to articles, etc.
But how do you ensure that your words, sentences, and story structure encourage people to take action?
Different techniques can help, such as:
Creating curiosity to make people click
Telling a story to keep people engaged
Translating your features into emotional benefits for your user
These techniques are not randomly chosen but are rooted in behavioral psychology.
Writing with this knowledge will ensure that your readers take action.
But what about ChatGPT? When and how can you use it?
You can use ChatGPT to write, as it excels in that. But not without preparation!
You need to know what you want to write.
You need to know which persuasive techniques you want to use.
"I use booster X in my email (because it's crucial for my target audience), and curiosity so they go to the landing page."
You first make an attempt yourself and then ask ChatGPT to improve your text.
Ask for things like:
'Write in shorter sentences' (editing is part of the copywriting process).
'Let the sentences flow more smoothly' (for readability and scannability).
'Increase curiosity' (to further strengthen your technique).
'Replace the formal tone with an informal one' (and adjust to the company's tone of voice).
'Translate this text.'
This way, you become the conductor of your copy:
Set up your initial text, and you don't have to think about perfect sentences, tone of voice, etc.
Then refine with ChatGPT until you are satisfied.
Yes, I use it every day, even for this article. 😉
Before, I stressed about my text or my English and kept proofreading forever.
Now I write in my own language and let certain sentences be far from perfect. And then, I ask ChatGPT for help.
It's fantastic!
Do you and your team also want to write more effective copy in the future and learn the copywriting process?